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*Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game - Boromir, Captain of the White Tower (Online Exclusive 10% Off)

£28.00 £25.20

The boldest and most able commander that Minas Tirith has to offer, it is Boromir who has led the armies of the White City to victory in countless battles. Wherever he fights, the efforts of his troops are doubled and hope is rekindled. More than once has Boromir inspired those around him to steal victory from the very edge of defeat. Minas Tirith's fate is tied to that of Boromir, and she will surely fall should Boromir be slain. That is, unless, another worthy hero takes up her defence...

Boromir is among the game’s mightiest Heroes, and never more so than when bearing the inspirational Banner of Minas Tirith to battle. The set includes two models of Boromir on foot – one carrying a shield, the other with the famed banner of the White City – both of which are clad in heavy armour. The mounted version is also bedecked in heavy armour and comes with the option to assemble him with sword or banner held aloft.

The set contains three metal miniatures – two on foot and the other mounted on a horse – supplied with 1x Citadel 40mm Round Base and 2x Citadel 25mm Round Bases.
