*Death Guard: Scribbus Wretch, the Tallyman (15% Off)
The worshippers of the Dark Gods know that there is power in words and
numbers, incantations and arcane numerology. Seven is the unholy number
of Nurgle, and the preachers of this doctrine are the Tallymen. Part
priests, part demagogues, part metaphysical scribes and quartermasters,
these festering zealots stride to battle festooned with the trappings of
their strange craft – reams of parchment, crawling with tallies of
seven in a strange, crabbed hand, counting the horrors inflicted on the
Death Guard’s foes.
This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble
Scribbus Wretch, a Death Guard Tallyman. His is a particularly
unpleasant model, even for Death Guard, with a morbid focus on gleefully
counting and cataloguing misfortune – he carries a massive ream of
paper on a clipboard in the crook of his left arm, with a bone stylus in
his right adding to his tallies. A strange apparatus hangs from his
back, ending in a tentacle that grasps an abacus – its beads, upon
closer inspection, reveal themselves as skulls. His armour, as standard
for the Death Guard, is covered in corrosion, boils and Nurgle icons,
and he is accompanied by a Nurgling, busy with the task of carrying
extra ink and paper. Scribbus Wretch stands atop a pile of books; likely
written by him, and full of atrocities.
This kit comes as 8 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round base.