*Sylvaneth: Alarielle the Everqueen 20% Off
Reborn from the land she loved in a soaring crescendo of hope, fury,
loss and exhilaration, Alarielle the Everqueen is an ancient and
powerful being. She is the goddess of life magic; where she treads, atop
her immense wardroth beetle, new blooms scream forth in a riot of
colour, strength and passion. She scatters soul amphorae across the
Mortal Realms, each containing magical pollens that can coax new
sylvaneth from the ground, or choke her enemies. The only match for the
courage she instils in her allies is the hatred she feels for her foes –
Alarielle the Everqueen burns with a fierce need for vengeance, and her
enemies would do well to run.
This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components needed to
assemble Alarielle the Everqueen, riding her gigantic wardroth beetle – a
living battering ram covered in moss, fungi and decorated with soul
amphorae and other trinkets. She wields the Spear of Kurnoth in one
hand, and her other arm ends in the dreaded Talon of Dwindling. 79
components in total, with an appropriately huge Citadel 160mm Round